Mbam-Sanaga New Leaders for the Conference

Posted on Mars 10 2025

New Leaders for the Conference

The Mbam-Sanaga Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Churches, headquartered in Nanga-Eboko, has new leaders. They were elected during the Administrative Assembly held from February 18 to 22, 2025, in the presence of Pastor Dr. Vincent Roger Samé, President of the Central- West Cameroon Union Mission and the Executive Secretary, Omer Aristide Nkonda, and the Treasurer Yves Kemdje.

The elected leaders are:
 Pastor Hector Marie Ndé Mveng, President
 Pastor Elysée Nang, Executive Secretary
 Jean Blaise Abo’oze, Treasurer

Founded in 2020 following the restructuring of the former Central and South Cameroon Conference, the Mbam-Sanaga Conference has a membership of 18,320. During the last Administrative Assembly, delegates voted in favor of realigning the leadership mandate with that of the General Conference.

The Adventist Youth Ministries Director’s Installation
Senior Youth Leader (SYL) Master Guide, Pierre Dalta Gaimatakone, the new Youth Ministries Director of the Central-West Cameroon Union Mission, officially took office on Friday, February 14, 2025 during the first Youth Council of the Union in a ceremony presided over by Pastor Dr. Vincent Roger Samé, President of the Union.


Christian Stewardship Summit
“I have leaders around me here in Cameroon who are motivated and deeply committed to driving progress in the right direction. If we aspire to change, development, and growth, it will not happen in a vacuum. As leaders, we must lead by example, create the right conditions, and together, we will see change.” With these words, Pastor Aniel Barbe, Associate Director of Christian Stewardship at the General Conference, concluded the Christian Stewardship Summit. The event was organized from February 26 to March 1, 2025, in Yaoundé for the North-East and Central-West Cameroon Union Missions.

Pastor Aniel Barbe was assisted by:

 Pastor Markus Musa Dangana, Treasurer of the West-Central Africa Division
 Pastor Paul Sampah Adu, Director of Christian Stewardship for the same division.


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