Core Values

 Our methods and approaches to achieving our vision, mission and purpose.

 Developing People

 Develop a deeply spiritual, caring, competent, flexible, knowledgeable, innovative and high-performing work force and culture.

 Caring for Members & Other Supporters

 Support our members through quality ministry and integrated spiritually and professional based delivery of personal preplanning, legal and related documents and follow up services in accomplishing their planned giving goals.

 Communication and Church Relationship

 Proactively develop, communicate and build information bridges, relationships and strategic alliances with ministries  (children's, educational, evangelistic, family, medical, and ministerial) local churches, conferences/missions, unions  and divisions of the Church.


 Establish an atmosphere and expectation of excellence as the standard for our relationships with all donors and potential donors and their families, thus honoring God as we practice the planned giving profession.

 Increase Relevance and Staffing

 By convincing Church leadership of the value of the Planned Giving and Trust Services Ministry to both Church financial support and donor spiritual growth we will encourage establishment of ful time Level A accredited ministries   in all conferences, missions and institutions worldwide.

 Kingdom Stewardship

 Operate in  a  spiritually nurturing and  personally friendly manner to promote and enhance the aggressive funding of a finished work on earth, thus enhancing a vigorous, revived Church with every member involved in reaching the world for Jesus Christ.


 We are responsible workers who are accountable to donors, Church leadership and membership, local, state, and federal governments, and ultimately to God.

 Integrity   and Respect

 We are a religious organization that encourages the equality and value of every human being, trust, spiritual   growth, openness, the highest moral and ethical standards with respect   for  all. Anyone, regardless of financial capacity is welcomed as a client. Recognizing that philanthropy is an individual, voluntary free-will act that takes into account family and other  personal future  needs  before giving away assets, we will avoid any undue  influence, coercion, duress or other pressure in assisting individual in their planned giving process. We assist our members to accomplish what God has impressed them to do.

 Individual Initiative

 Planned Giving personnel intentionally seek opportunities to grow spiritually and professionally, and in favor with  God and man contributing to the success of our ministry.

 Financial Stewardship

 We continuously enhance and promote the careful management  of God's resources for family  needs,  His Kingdom  advancement and the spiritual health of this and future generations.

 Cost Awareness

 We balance cost and benefit in our daily decision making.